The Big Fat Truth about Low Fat Foods.

We don’t usually watch programmes like this (bit of a busman’s holiday for us) but we caught this by accident last night and we are so glad we did! It was on Really TV at 8pm and it exposed many of the myths and lies about ‘low-fat’ slimming foods.  Ex Blue Peter presenter Zoe Salmon, who normally trains and eats well, ditched her usual foods for a 30 day diet of low-fat slimming foods. From “ smart-water” and low calorie drinks and snack bars to ready meals – with dire consequences.

It highlighted the fact that low calorie/low fat isn’t necessarily healthy – something we’ve been pointing out to our clients for years! It uncovered the hidden salts and sugars used to improve taste and some rather strange items (wallpaper paste!!) to improve texture, and really stressed what a detrimental effect artificial sweeteners can have.

At the end of the 30 days Zoe felt dreadful – tired and bloated and guess what – she’d gained weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep a look out for this programme being repeated, it’s worth a watch. Pity it wasn’t on one of the major channels.


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